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[VYQ]⇒ PDF Free Luna City 31 The Chronicles of Luna City Book 3 edition by Celia Hayes Jeanne Hayden Literature Fiction eBooks

Luna City 31 The Chronicles of Luna City Book 3 edition by Celia Hayes Jeanne Hayden Literature Fiction eBooks

Download As PDF : Luna City 31 The Chronicles of Luna City Book 3 edition by Celia Hayes Jeanne Hayden Literature Fiction eBooks

Download PDF Luna City 31 The Chronicles of Luna City Book 3  edition by Celia Hayes Jeanne Hayden Literature  Fiction eBooks

Welcome to Luna City, Karnes County, Texas … Population 2,454. This does not count the strangers come to town, searching for the fabulous Mills treasure-hoard, the seldom-seen Agua Dulce ghost-horsemen, and the mysterious lights spotted floating over the highway on one dark and moonless night.
Ex-celebrity chef, Richard Astor-Hall (formerly Rich Hall, the Bad Boy Chef) has his hands full managing the Luna Café and Coffee … plus some outside catering jobs … and a fund-raising charity event in which he might be drafted into playing a much bigger part than he agreed on at the start. A touch of mystery, a bit of possible romance … in this third serving of small-town Texas life in Luna City, where eccentricity is just a part of every-day life. Drop in for a visit – you might never want to leave.

Luna City 31 The Chronicles of Luna City Book 3 edition by Celia Hayes Jeanne Hayden Literature Fiction eBooks

I'm a big fan of the Luna City Chronicles series and eagerly purchased this, Ms. Hayes' latest, as soon as it became available. As before, the book focuses on Rich Hall, the English chef and former celebrity, who arrived in town back in Book 1. He's still in the Airstream trailer on the goat farm and has begun teaching a cooking class at Luna City High School. He's mildly interested in a female journalist, a cousin of the Gonzales/Gonzalez clan, and she's mildly interested back. Their relationship evolves somewhat in this installation of the series but Rich isn't ready to give up his privacy yet.

If there is a central theme here, it is centered on the efforts of various townsfolk to push Rich out of his isolated life. But the book also reveals that he has a moderate case of PTSD which he's still recovering from (related to the disastrous closure of his restaurant which precipitated his arrival in Book 1). We also learn the touching backstory of the high school's band coach, and another long time couple in town decide to formalize their relationship.

I have a couple of quibbles after finishing LC 3.1. This book is a good deal shorter than the first one, by nearly a hundred pages - it would have been nice if it had been a bit longer. Also, I'd like to have seen a little more conflict between Mr Walcott and his strong-willed wife (she's so opposed to their daughter becoming a musician that she drives the girl into a hunger strike!) The problem is solved with a handwave - the husband says he'll make it clear to his wife that her behavior has to stop, but after his extended portrayal as a henpecked husband this doesn't quite ring true. Ah well, these are minor flaws. I do recommend LC 3.1 and look forward, as always, to the next installment.

Product details

  • File Size 8587 KB
  • Print Length 154 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publisher Watercress Press (September 15, 2016)
  • Publication Date September 15, 2016
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read Luna City 31 The Chronicles of Luna City Book 3  edition by Celia Hayes Jeanne Hayden Literature  Fiction eBooks

Tags : Luna City 3.1 (The Chronicles of Luna City Book 3) - Kindle edition by Celia Hayes, Jeanne Hayden. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Luna City 3.1 (The Chronicles of Luna City Book 3).,ebook,Celia Hayes, Jeanne Hayden,Luna City 3.1 (The Chronicles of Luna City Book 3),Watercress Press,Fiction Humorous,Humor General
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Luna City 31 The Chronicles of Luna City Book 3 edition by Celia Hayes Jeanne Hayden Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews

Good storytelling. Engaging characters.

One issue I hope to see fixed between this and later installments I see repeated instances of missing line breaks between quotation marks, leading to reader-confusion about which character is speaking. I hope a corrected e-book is offered at some point to those of us happily spending money on the first release.

I should point out that none of the copy-editor's failures are so egregious that the author's talent and intent are impaired. The author has a good story, and tells it (and illustrates it) well.
Fun to read series...can't wait to read the next book
She starts the story in the middle of a scene, although she does explain enough, and ends on a cliffhanger. Okay, when is the next book due???

Some minor typo's but pretty well edited. the first use of subtlety is spelled subtle or the sentence needs a little work. Her slapstick seems to avoid going to the "Three Stooges" extreme but it is a little too restrained.
Another dip into the lunacies of Luna City. This book is another joy to read, my only disappointment is that it is too short. The characters are as well rounded as ever and the world building and plotting as solid. Without giving the game away, I think it is fair to say that LC 3.1 describes the invasion of Luna City by an assortment of outsides including a certain baby-faced Greek god and his bow and arrow. But despite romance being in the air, the LC regulars we know and love, plus a few new faces, go about their affairs in their usual manner and disasters are generally just about averted so that everyone can live on until the next episode. Something that this reader hopes will not be too tardy in its arrival. Although (and this may not be a problem) we appear to have documented the goings on there up to approx December 2016 which means that we're now in the future. Hopefully no major world events will occur that result in this being an alternate history.

Beyond that minor detail, and a couple of odd errors (e.g. Having run a bunch of them, I'm sure marathons are 26.2 miles long not 24) that don't detract at all from the plot, this book is just what the doctor ordered if you want to read something to get away from the unpleasantness of real life.
I'm a big fan of the Luna City Chronicles series and eagerly purchased this, Ms. Hayes' latest, as soon as it became available. As before, the book focuses on Rich Hall, the English chef and former celebrity, who arrived in town back in Book 1. He's still in the Airstream trailer on the goat farm and has begun teaching a cooking class at Luna City High School. He's mildly interested in a female journalist, a cousin of the Gonzales/Gonzalez clan, and she's mildly interested back. Their relationship evolves somewhat in this installation of the series but Rich isn't ready to give up his privacy yet.

If there is a central theme here, it is centered on the efforts of various townsfolk to push Rich out of his isolated life. But the book also reveals that he has a moderate case of PTSD which he's still recovering from (related to the disastrous closure of his restaurant which precipitated his arrival in Book 1). We also learn the touching backstory of the high school's band coach, and another long time couple in town decide to formalize their relationship.

I have a couple of quibbles after finishing LC 3.1. This book is a good deal shorter than the first one, by nearly a hundred pages - it would have been nice if it had been a bit longer. Also, I'd like to have seen a little more conflict between Mr Walcott and his strong-willed wife (she's so opposed to their daughter becoming a musician that she drives the girl into a hunger strike!) The problem is solved with a handwave - the husband says he'll make it clear to his wife that her behavior has to stop, but after his extended portrayal as a henpecked husband this doesn't quite ring true. Ah well, these are minor flaws. I do recommend LC 3.1 and look forward, as always, to the next installment.
Ebook PDF Luna City 31 The Chronicles of Luna City Book 3  edition by Celia Hayes Jeanne Hayden Literature  Fiction eBooks

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